Welcome to Pumps and Profit

Personal Branding and Styling Membership for Business Women who want to seize everyday with style

Personal Branding | Style | Business With The Business Woman in Mind

It's a simple way for you as an influential business woman to learn more about how to dress your curves for any occasion. 

Experience our proprietary personal styling system. This personal styling system has helped business women create a week worth of looks from their closets based on only 3 questions. So just imagine the fun filled style advice awaiting you.

Best part is you will have full access to the system! Master a simple 7 step personal style process in as little as a week.

Learn the easy to follow steps so you can maximize your looks by combining or isolating the steps used to create fresh new looks daily.


Boss Up Experience is a mobile app (with desktop access) for business women  to get the style advice, exclusive access to clothing, live coaching, and results driven style workshops and videos to help them build a collection of looks that best represent their brand image and lifestyle.

What to Expect

More ways to save and buy with our double and triple buying points (Boss Bucks).

On demand styling advice and videos, monthly coaching, and 1 on 1 coaching.

Behind the scenes access to fashion events and ticket access.

Special guest interviews from fashion experts and other influential women to help build your brand.

Seasonal Style Bundle filled with how to dress your shape featuring clothes from the collections and style templates to help you create your personalized style.

First look at up and coming and known designers collections.

Being a part of a community of influential women who are creating movements in their industry.

Semi-annual style consultations.

Why No One Else Can Compare

As a business woman myself, I know what it means to have to devote time to business, family, and life while still looking sharp and ready for anything. 

My goal was to create the personal styling system that will help me and you dedicate more time attracting the right partners and customers and less time wondering what to wear. 

This membership is specifically designed to address every day fashion and style issues with finding looks that fit your lifestyle coupled with the need for expert advice. 

The videos, quizzes, and community as a whole is an interactive fashion hub for inspiration and style domination.

The True Cost

There is a big difference between cost and investment. Did you know your style is costing you more money than you may think? 

Although you may not have calculated the true costs of following the old personal styling methods and buying habits, you can look at the evidence in your closet of how much time and money have been truly wasted.

Doing it yourself, you will have you paying for the cost of trial and error and waste time trying to get it right

Hire a stylist (sporadically) is a short term plan for right now only results, but in the end you are back to square one with an inconsistent brand image

Subscription boxes are not helping you solve the real problem, its only adding more pieces to your closet

Family and friends are good quick fixes, but not when you are looking for a long term strategy for your brand image.

Style Courses will have you second guessing if you are doing it right, leaving you to figure it out the majority of the time.

It's Time to Invest In You and Your Look

Investing in your look just to look good is not what I am talking about. The true investing in your look comes from being intentional about the clothes you purchase and wear. 

Currently, it's costing you money, and hindering you from bigger opportunities. When you're ready for the next level, you know you have to be ready for all that comes with it, even your look.

No more feeling insecure about how you are being perceived in front of investors, key potential partners, or clients. Heck even with your Bae! That's why I know you're ready for what's next.

Now it's time to experience a wardrobe that outlasts trends. Better yet, create a lasting impression with key partnerships by representing your best self through your look. So yes, it's suppose to be exciting when getting dressed every morning.

Confidently build trust with your audience through the story you tell with your look. Knowing more outfit combinations are possible and available to you, saving you money and time. 

The Boss Up Experience will keep you from second guessing yourself. No longer will you have to wonder "Does this look good on me?"

I Am Going to Show You How To:

Look slimmer without having to exercise or have surgery

Change the way you look at style and create new fresh looks right from clothes you've had in your closet for years.

Create more outfit possibilities and combinations, saving you money and transforming your old styles into new styles instantly in your closet.

Develop a closet full of picture worthy of looks personalized to your style in under 1 month.

Know how to dress your body type and elevate your personal brand image with every level of success.

Get started for free or as little as $49 per month!